Gut health. Digestive health.
Whatever you call it – it’s an important topic. And lately, a pretty hot one.
Well did you know 70-80% of our immune system is in the digestive tract?
Hippocrates said “all disease begins in the gut”. That was more than 2000 years ago and it appears he was on to something. Evolving research continues to support that digestive health is crucial to general health.
So, what is gut health?

Gut health refers to the function of your entire gastrointestinal tract from entry to exit. So that means it starts at the mouth and ends at the – eh – “other end”. The gut and its microbes (teeny tiny organisms) are responsible for a number of processes. This includes the digestion and absorption of nutrients, the ability to fight germs, hunger levels, mood, and behavior. In fact, messages are continuously sent between the gut and brain, that the gut has earned the nickname of your “second brain”.
You may know poor digestive health can obviously cause gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal discomfort. But did you know it is also linked to other serious diseases such as autoimmune disorders, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome? In fact, some conditions that seem unrelated to the gut like asthma, eczema and other chronic diseases may actually be caused by gut issues.
With that all being said, gut health seems pretty important, doesn’t it?
Quite simply, boosting the health of your gut is one of the most effective ways to enhance your overall well-being. You may know the gut is impacted by the foods we eat. But it’s also influenced by other things like genes, immune system, antibiotic use, chronic stress and infections. And more on this later.
But, just like everything in life, gut health is all about balance.
Did you know the gut influenced so many things?
Do you suspect or do you know you have digestive issues? Let’s work together, contact me or book an appointment.